WA-EUS-720/730 Leak Detector

When leaks develop as a result of failed seals or internal components, they emit an ultrasonic sound wave that is above the natural range of human hearing. The WA-EUS-720 Series Ultrasonic Leak Detectors  convert this ultrasonic sound by an electronic process called ‘heterodyning’ that accurately converts the ultrasounds sensed by the instrument into the range where users can hear the audible signal through a  headphone. The high frequency, short wave characteristic of ultrasound enables users to accurately pinpoint the location of a leak or a particular sound in a machine. WA-EUS- 720 ultrasonic leak detectors allow  maintenance personnel to confirm a diagnosis on the spot by being able to clearly discriminate among various equipment sounds. The basic advantages of WA-EUS-720 ultrasonic leak detectors are that they can  easily locate leaks, provide advanced warning of impending mechanical failure and can be used in loud, noisy environments.



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